Powerful visualizations help you hone in on the information needed to understand performance and act quickly.
Leveraging our deep expertise in financial and performance management, we give you a library of charts and visualizations to gain insights that would otherwise be lost.
What happened here!!
Horizontal and vertical waterfall and bridge charts help you understand how several parts contribute towards the total. They also show the largest contributors and how much of the total they make up (the “80/20 rule” often applies).
Which direction is the wind blowing you?
These charts help you understand what's happening over time with built-in intelligence. They show a range of overlays on the chart, so you can see the span of potential outcomes and how risky your plan is.
Bullet charts are useful in visually tracking performance against target and prior year. They can be oriented horizontally & vertically and are easier to read and more informative than other charts when used for this purpose.
Organizational charts show the structure of an organization (or any hierarchy that you choose). They help users understand relationships and relative ranks.
Cause and Effect
See how performance indicators link together in a chain of cause-and-effect relationships to drive business performance.
Where is this happening?
Visualize results and variances by geography and region for clarity. Create heatmaps by specifying intelligent colors to shade areas with strong or weak performance.
Trend charts, tree maps, driver diagrams, org charts, maps, intelligent labels, sparklines - we have the right visualizations for you.
Our visualizations are interactive for easy drill-down and drill-up to understand the breakdown. We provide interactive tool-tips to give you extra context with additional data points.
Leaders have little time to analyze data, so help them draw insight faster with guided analysis.
Designers can create links such that users are guided through layers of visualizations to understand the breakdown by time and other business dimensions.
Different visuals can be used to show trend, cross-sections, frequency distribution, and variances. Intelligent coloring draws the user's eye to key information.
“A lonely number always makes me suspicious that I will misinterpret it. A number that I have compared and divided can, instead, fill me with hope.”
- Hans Rosling, "Factfulness"
Point out the raw data for your scenarios and we'll do the rest: Automated overlays (benchmarks) calculate additional info that should be added to the visual to add additional context. This helps to understand performance, in context, future direction, level of risk. It's almost too easy!